Better JPEG v1.7.1.3 Portable-Thay đổi kích thước ảnh
Phần mềm cho phép bạn thay đổi kích thước file JPEG mà không làm giảm chất lượng hình ảnh:
JPEG is a bad image format.
This means that in order to reduce size of image files some of the image information is discarded during the compression process.
The higher the compression the more data is lost.
This loss of quality in JPEG images appears as "blocking" and "ringing" artifacts, often appearing as "ghost shadows" along edges.
A typical image editor, such as Adobe Photoshop, uncompresses a JPEG file for image editing and then recompresses it for writing back to the file.
These recompression losses add up and image quality degrades further each time the file is opened and closed.
However, JPEG images consist of a number of independently encoded blocks typically 8x8, 8x16 or 16x16 pixels in size.
There is a smart way to handle these blocks individually without having to uncompress and then recompress the untouched ones.
Better JPEG takes advantage of this smart block handling, allowing for partial image editing without recompression
of the entire image. T
his editing includes red eye removal, data/text imprinting, copy/paste and so on.
Get the best from your JPEG photos, with no compromises!
Main Program Features:
* Lossless Transformations - Rotation, Flip
* Lossless Crop (free, fixed aspect, fixed size, predefined and user-defined aspects and sizes), composition guidelines (diagonals, golden mean, rule of thirds)
* Lossless Canvas Enlargement
* Highly Customizable Lossless Date/EXIF Info/Text insertion (position, font, size, color, background, language, format, etc.)
* Advanced Lossless Red Eye Removal (anti-aliasing, adjustable size, sensitivity, darkening)
* Copy/Paste to and from an external editor for local retouching without full recompression (lossless)
* Batch image processing
* Multi-level Undo/Redo
* Metadata preservation
* Compression optimization
Better JPEG allows you to stamp your photos with date and shooting parameters contained in JPEG files produced by digital cameras (EXIF metadata), as well as to insert your own text comments.
Unlike most other stamping tools, Better JPEG does not recompress any parts of the JPEG images outside the stamp area, thus causing no degradation in the original image quality.

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